Meet the Andrew+ Pod.
Where cutting-edge technology
meets unparalleled convenience.
The Andrew+
Robot will feel
right at home
in the Pod.
Effectively protect your samples from exterior contaminations without
the hassle of having to adapt your lab infrastructure or source costly,
custom-made solutions requiring multi-step validations.
Don’t just take our word for it – this configuration has been tested by a trusted 3rd party. Read the Andrew+ VLF with HEPA Filtration Performance Sheet
This ductless enclosure ensures optimal user safety by effectively shielding them from harmful chemical substances without the complications of overhauling your laboratory infrastructure.
Avoid the stress and expense of sourcing custom-made solutions that would require extensive validations. Instead, streamline your operations by opting for an efficient, all in one solution that prioritizes user safety while being easy to position on any lab bench.
Don’t just take our word for it – this configuration has been tested by a trusted 3rd party. Read the Andrew+ RFFC with ABEK Filtration Performance Sheet
Have an existing air extraction infrastructure with a duct and want to
easily connect benchtop automation to it?
This Andrew+ Pod configuration provides an effective solution for
protecting users from harmful chemical substances in a controlled,
automation-friendly environment.
Direct connectivity between the Andrew+ Pod and the Andrew+ Robot ensures user safety at all times.
Physical access to the Andrew+ Robot and the Domino bench is only granted when the instrument is not in motion. This ensures user safety in accordance with HS&E policies.
Need to interact with The Andrew+ Robot during a run?
Embed a user action step into your OneLab Software method or simply pause your run with the onboard controls of the Andrew+ Pod. The Andrew+ Pod will respond appropriately to your input.
& benchtop
(32.6 inches)
(31.89 inches)
(44.09 inches)
Bench space required:
Depth: 570mm
Width: 1060mm
Host up to 11 Dominos and Device+ units—the maximum possible Andrew+ Robot configuration
The Andrew+ Pod creates the flat, stable surface critical to achieving optimized working conditions for Andrew+ Robot, even if your bench isn’t perfectly flat
& benchtop
(32.6 inches)
(31.89 inches)
(44.09 inches)
Bench space required:
Depth: 570mm
Width: 1060mm
Host up to 11 Dominos and Device+ units – the maximum possible Andrew+ Robot configuration
The Andrew+ Pod creates the flat, stable surface critical to achieving optimized working conditions for Andrew+ Robot, even if your bench isn’t perfectly flat
When connected to the Pod, the Andrew+ Robot uses a large-capacity tip waste ideal for long automation runs.
After the Andrew+ Robot finishes, solid waste
removal is easy due to it’s convenient position at
the front of the Pod.
With the Andrew+ Pod, you can effortlessly
organize and put away the cables & power bricks
needed for your devices (including the tubing
required for the Extraction+ Device) – making for a
clean and tidy automation workbench you’ll want to
show off.
Easily swap or replace the filters on the Pod to
maintain optimal air filtration capacity.
Need a new filter? Contact us.
Available filters:
• HEPA H14 Filter (SKU: 186011433)
• ABEK Filter (SKU: 186011435)
• Pre-Filter Replacement (SKU: 186011434)
The Andrew+ Pod features sensors that gather
essential metadata to ensure experimental
conditions are met. This includes real-time
measurements of temperature, humidity,
atmospheric pressure, and VOC saturation. This
data is displayed via OneLab Software and stored in each experiment record for future reference.
Effortlessly control The Andrew+ Robot with the sleek three-button panel to manage power, the motorized sash, fan speeds, and LED lighting. Synchronized colored notifications provide instant status updates, making errors easy to spot.
The Andrew+ Robot and the Andrew+ Pod are fully integrated with each other and OneLab Software – making for a an all-in-one solution that streamlines the user experience.
The cherry on top? Waters can install and validate
this total automated solution in just 2 days. We
have you covered. Literally.
Interchangeable side panels: Endless possibilities.
The Andrew+ Pod is designed to enable complex workflows without compromising the core functions of the enclosure or The Andrew+ Robot. Interchangeable side panels enable users to quickly and easily adapt their enclosed automation setup to external devices such as the Plate Sealer+ and ACQUITY UPLC through the Automation Portal for extended workflows.
Going beyond physical integrations…
With waters_connect and OneLab Software enabling fully integrated data acquisition, end-to-end automation has never been more complete. The Pod seamlessly integrates into “sample-to-result” workflows using OneLab Software API controls, enabling automations such as opening the motorized sash for integration with mobile robots or Cobots.
Take the Andrew+ Pod out of the box and position
it on your designated bench space.
Adjust the feet and position your ventilation module
with filters according to your desired configuration
Connect The Andrew+ Robot through a simple port and follow the on-screen configuration instructions in OneLab Software.
with Onboard ventilation Module
Andrew+ Pod Vertical Laminar Flow (VLF) Enclosure with HEPA Filter
Note: To access all the connectivity features, Andrew+ Pipetting Robot and OneLab Software are required.
Bundle PN
Configuration & Primary Functions
Component Names
Part Numbers
Compact, benchtop enclosure with:
• Optimized cable management
• Hardware interlock for user and method safety
• Dust protection
• Interchangeable side-panel access
• Deeper, more accessible tip waste
All Andrew+ Pod functions
Active temperature management
for heat-sensitive experiments
All Andrew+ Pod functions
HEPA H14 Filtration Vertical Laminar Flow
All Andrew+ Pod functions
Onboard (ductless) system for harmful gas
removal can be installed in various locations.
All Andrew+ Pod functions
Enables physical connectivity to existing lab
air filtration infrastructure
Part Numbers
Looking for a solution that protects
both your samples and your users
while delivering assurance and confidence?
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